Amalgamated Beverage Industries (ABI)

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Amalgamated Beverage Industries (ABI)
10001-100000 employees

South Africa

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Amalgamated Beverage Industries was established in 1976 as a result of an agreement between Coca Cola Export Corporation, Cadbury, Schweppes and SAB. To date, the company trades as the soft drink division of SAB (Pty) Limited. The company’s operations include, manufacturing, trade-marketing and sales, supply chain and logistics management. Their core range of expertise lies in producing, distributing and supporting a wide variety of the world’s leading soft drink brands, including; sparkling and still drinks, sport and energy drinks, bottled water and fruit juice. Coca Cola remains the core focus of ABI’s business and maintains excellent franchise relationships with the company as well as Appletiser (Pty) Limited. With its commitment to being a non alcoholic beverage business, it constantly strengthens its relationships with clients and communities at large. Moreover, they continually work to improve product quality, environmental management and providing occupational health and safety standards for employees.

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Amalgamated Beverage Industries (ABI)