Bauba Platinum

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Bauba Platinum
10001-100000 employees

South Africa

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In September 2010 Bauba Platinum Limited was listed on the JSE. Bauba’s primary business objective is the exploration and development of the Bauba Project. This is a platinum group metals (PGM) project situated within a segment of the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex. This lies in the heart of the world’s platinum region, where a number of neighbouring companies are successfully mining platinum group elements (PGEs) from the Merensky and UG2 reefs. Bauba holds prospecting rights over eight properties. This extends across approximately 14,200ha. All properties lie within the Leolo mountain range in the Limpopo province, some 40km northwest of the town of Steelpoort and 245km northeast of Johannesburg. These properties have been grouped into three clusters, the Northern, Central and Southern Clusters. The Company has implemented a detailed investigative exploration programme. This is comprised of diamond drilling as well as geological and geophysical mapping and interpretation of the areas of interest. The purpose of the drilling programme is to determine the extent of the resource with the purpose of converting this into a compliant reserve to form the basis of a Bankable Feasibility Study.

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