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BMW, founded in 1916, is a German automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company. The company prides itself on its unwavering commitment to customer services. They provide services that meet each and every one of the customer’s particular needs. BMW introduced a service excellence program; the program is known within BMW circles as “Servolution”. The concept of the program represents a comprehensive approach to elevating BMW Service to new standards of efficiency. Introducing this service means that BMW has committed itself to a new era in Customer Service. BMW is part of the ‘German Big 3’ luxury automakers. Along with BMW in this group is Audi and Mercedes-Benz. The ‘German Big 3’ is known as the best-selling luxury automakers in the world.
Work for BMW ? Have your say!
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Added 13 Aug 2016 by a current employee
I worked at BMW (SA) for 17 years and enjoyed the challenge of working on complicated vechiles.Working conditions were difficult but what made it unbelievable was managements poor attitude towards it's artisans.A company like BMW should treat it's skilled workforce with more respect instead of abusing it's artisans.
Added 09 Dec 2015 by a current employee
Best company to work for unfortunately i got retrenchment but i enjoyed it a lot
"Former employee"
Added 18 May 2015 by a current employee
I was given the wonderful experience to be a part of the BMW - Midlands Auto - Newcastle KZN, team. I worked in 2012 October to 2013 August. I thoroughly enjoyed the working experience.
"Greatest company ever"
Added 19 Apr 2015 by a current employee
My time at BMW as an Insurance Underwriter, was the best part of my proffessional carreer. The staff, management, and work ethic at BMW SA (Financial Services) are truly a cut above the rest. Every day working there, I realised more how BMW is actually a culture, a way of life, more than just 3 letters on an engine. I'd go back in a heartbeat, but even though I'm not working there anymore, I'll always remain true to the legacy of the brand.
"job satisfaction"
Added 17 Apr 2015 by a current employee
In my opinion, BMW must rate as one of the top employers in SA. Their ethics are impecable,their staff benefits & well being are a top priority. My 6 years of working for them,were the best years of my working career. They are very professional,but still make the staff feel like an individual,rather than a number,which one finds too often in large organisations.
"Excellent Company to Work"
Added 17 Apr 2015 by a current employee
I worked for the Leather Division for 2 years. The staff were excellent to work with and the management really cared for the staff. The environment was friendly and accomodating
"not happy with BMW"
Added 05 Feb 2015 by a current employee
My experience with BMW Clearwater was horrible. First off, I've never experienced such racism at a workplace before. Secondly, the principal dealer treats people like trash. I worked there for a month and I was retrenched and told that the company was doing away with the department, meanwhile they were holding interviews for new people for my position and other positions I could have filled within the company. I will never in my life consider working for bmw again. Unfortunately, I take my experience with that dealership as a reflection of the entire company because the principal was a senior employee of BMW SA before opening his own dealership. My experience has also put me off BMW cars. I used to love them but now each time I see one, I am reminded of BMW Clearwater. I can say for me BMW was/ is the worst company to work for.
Added 10 Sep 2013 by a current employee
Worked for BMW dearlership. Dealer principal not treating his staff equal. He had his favourite ,once youve worked for him over ten years, you're a nothing. He just spits on you like a tasteless chewing gum. You have to spy for him to be in his good books. You can be a hard worker, it does not matter for him. The only management staff he has is his family with no experience. they underpay their staff.
"my views towards BMW"
Added 08 Sep 2013 by a current employee
This company looks like a good one from the outside, but its not as it seems. People are under paid. Information regarding development of employee is not transparent. Most top management are not qualified for the job or don't have relevant qualifications. Promotions are given to the favoured ones. Their systems are in German language, which makes its hard for one to perfect.
"Unfair 3 point system"
Added 03 Sep 2013 by a current employee
They still operate on the unfair three point system – three strikes and your out! Even if you have a good reason like becoming sick and even if you are their best employee they still have to let you go. Management is not up to scratch and there is sometimes no room for growth. Sometimes you have to work long hours especially on weekends. The great things about the job is the salary, benefits, bonuses and having supportive co-workers.
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