Cape Town,
South Africa
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Chevron was established in 1876 and has since become one of the world's leading integrated energy companies. The company's success is lead by its employees and their strong determination to get results. This is achieved by running responsible operations, performing with excellence, innovation in technologies and reaching for new opportunities required for profitable growth. Chevron is involved in every aspect associated with the energy industry. These aspects, for informative purposes include; market and distribute transportation fuels and lubricants, manufacture and sell petrochemical products, generate power and refine, produce and transport crude oil and natural gas, invest in profitable renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions, and develop energy resources for the future, including researching advanced bio-fuels. The Chevron marketing network supports retail outlets on five continents including in South Africa. Chevron is a leading refiner and marketer of petroleum products in South Africa. Business is conducted through Chevron South Africa (Pty) Limited. The network of Caltex® service stations aids this company in being one of the country’s top five petroleum brands. Chevron plays a significant role in the country’s economy and has done so for more than a decade. This is the result of their commitment to the South African principles of transformation, Chevron South Africa has received a high Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment rating. Chevron South Africa is also a responsible corporate citizen, promoting education, health and economic development.
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