Club Leisure Group
South Africa
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Club Leisure Group was established in 1990 and operates across several continents. They comprise of product acquisition, marketing, sales, technology, resort development and resort and club management. The Group has also developed a portfolio of leisure and business accommodation clubs with inventory of holiday destinations in more than 150 resorts. They serve members worldwide through their head offices, including in London (UK), Brussels (Europe), Bulawayo and Harare (Zimbabwe), Grand Baie (Mauritius), Gold Coast (Australia), and Mbabane (Swaziland), as well as over 40 marketing outlets throughout Southern Africa. The products and clubs of Club Leisure Group include: Aroma; Corporate Club; Flexi Club South Africa; Flexi Club Swaziland, Flexi Club Zimbabwe; Golf Resorts Club SA, Golf Resorts Club; Holiday Access, Leisure Life Travel Club; Off Beat Holiday Club; Premier Private Resorts; Rainbow Holiday Club, Select Club; Spice. Club Leisure Group’s service companies are: Club Leisure Development; Club Leisure Management; Club Leisure Sales; Club Technology; First Food and Beverage Service; First Resorts; Fun Holidays; Resort Supplies and Services.
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Club Leisure Group