Dance Academy of South Africa (DASA)

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Dance Academy of South Africa (DASA)
26-50 employees

South Africa

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The Dance Academy of South Africa (DASA) was founded in 1991 by Mrs Mary-Jane Ford. Since then the dance academy has grown to more than 100 dance studios spread throughout the nine provinces of South Africa and in Namibia. The dance academy offers a large range of medal dances, including ballet, and modern and national dances, which provide an opportunity for students to perform and experience different dance styles. The dance academy’s ballet syllabus ranges from Tiny Tots for 4 to 6 year olds through Grades to Advanced Performance for senior students. The dance academy also offers training courses for adults to become qualified dance instructors or “members.” They strive to achieve excellence in dance, particularly in ballet, by aspiring to world-class standards. The dance academy believes in optimising the development of the whole child by using a compassionate and caring approach.

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Dance Academy of South Africa (DASA)