Ellerine Holdings Limited

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Ellerine Holdings Limited
10001-100000 employees

South Africa

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Founded in 1968, Ellerine Holdings Limited operates credit and cash retail furniture and appliance sector. The group’s brand names include Ellerines, Town Talk, FurnCity, WetherlysOsiers, Dial-a-bed, Mattress Factory, Furniture City, Beares, Geen & Richards, Lubners and Serells/Fairdeal. These chain of furniture stores are in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho,Namibia, Swaziland, and Zambia. Besides operating out of its 1 156 furniture outlets, Ellerine Holdings Limited provides personal loan services. As from 2008, Ellerine Holdings Limited operates as a subsidiary of African Bank Investments Limited.

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Ellerine Holdings Limited