G4S South Africa
South Africa
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Formed in 2004 when two renowned security companies merged, Group 4 Falck and Securicor. G4S is now known as the world’s leading international security Solutions Company, they specialise in outsourced business processors. A sector where security is a must, like protecting cash at banks, protecting airports, embassies but there are also excitement in this industry when employees get to safe guard exciting events. This job touches lives in every area of the world .It offers exciting opportunities and gives you a chance to be part of the second biggest private labour force in the world. Offering great career opportunities and seeking people with integrity and the ability to maintain the group’s reputation. HR Officer for G4S secure Solutions South Africa, Freelance Khambako says “I love working for G4S because there is extensive career development, which brings out qualities and strengths you never knew existed. The security industry is challenging but also provides an opportunity for growth. An ambitious person will thrive within this organisation. G4S has an array of opportunities which need hard work, determination and persistence in order to be obtained.” According to the CRF Institute, G4S has outstanding working conditions based on the following. Valuing well driven organisations, with a strict adherence to the industries standards. Best global HR Practices they plays a huge role in regulation of the security sector.
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Added 25 Jul 2013 by a current employee
G4S is sincerely and sadly not as 'up to standard' as some might think. I used to be employed by an airline company whereby we used G4S as security. The environment I was working in needed high security, for obvious reason. Somehow I witnessed quite a a lot of the G4S staff eating off the airlines catering. I had the authority to do something about it at the time, but refused to do something about it for the mere fact that I don't know what their situation at their homes were. Now that I'm not longer working there I realise that it was unprofessional and could have been dealt with in a far more sensible manner. Also, they would sleep on the aircraft while the flight was 'still' and only had to fly out later that day. In the morning when I got to work I would notice their staff doing their hair in the toilets of the airports, occupying the complete set of mirrors in the toilets and would NOT move even after they noticed you needing the toilet facilities. In a nutshell, I'm very disappointed in their behaviour, not professional, not assertive, no respect and no ethics. No disrespect, just asking for those who have the authority to do something about it, to actually implement some more discipline with regards to the way they carry the company name and themselves when on duty.
"Payroll Manager for EASt coast "
Added 24 Jul 2013 by a current employee
G4S is one of the best companies I have ever worked for. They are professional, look after their employees, working environment very comfortable and fun. I worked their from Gray Security days and would go back tomorrow, no questions asked. They empower you in your area of strengths and draw alongside you where your weaknesses are. They have an open door policy and no matter what your problem or challenge you have, you can go in and discuss with the Seniors of Senior. They always motivate and encourage you to want to go the extra mile. Great Corporate Company and I am proud to say that I worked there for nearly twenty years. Reason for leaving was beyond my control.
"Fidelity Security Services"
Added 23 Jul 2013 by a current employee
This was called Gray Security, which was taken over by G4S. I worked for them for the past twenty years and never ever saw a company like this. The standard, procedures and my favorite discipline. Excellent. I was retrenched and if ever given an opportunity, I will go back. Management was strict, but I am who I am through this company. I will someday open my company as an express image of Gray, but the advantage is technology. The captain of that ship was Brian Marriott, Stretch Culver, Jock Knoetze I salute these guys. I worked in other companies and tried to make my management see the same. I always use my knowledge, management skills and attributes based on what I acquired during my tenure at this company. Fidelity Security is another great company. I joined them and although it's a unionized company, when instilling discipline, policy and procedures, they are not brazen and comply. A great company, very good structure and very well organized. Management skills are great, but only on senior level. They should include all levels. Again, if I had to be given the opportunity I will drive my sentiments of G4S within the parameters of this wonderful company. The Directors are excellent people and I was chuffed by the manner in which they look after and socialise with middle management.
Added 22 Jul 2013 by a current employee
I have been working for G4S for a few years now. In the beginning, promises were made with regards to development and training, being all that you can. Management at top level has changed a few times in the past six years and of all the promises, nothing came of it. Unless you know someone at the top to advance your career, you get nowhere. You are stuck in a rut and brilliant people have left the company, because the attitude is: anyone can be replaced. The values so highly regarded by their national clients, are a farce.
"Exploit employees - just want money"
Added 20 Jul 2013 by a current employee
Unfortunately, their values is a marketing exercise as they do not live that with their employees. Black employees misled with empowerment shareholding, witch hunt on those with skills leaving them. Please do not dare to question their ethics - then they just get rid of you. Not truthful with customers and will rather make a few bucks than going the extra mile. god- like behaviour because they have money! Bad human-rights record!
Added 13 Jun 2013 by a current employee
I started in December of 1996 at the Old Grey security company and even then we maintained high standards within the company. When Group 4 and Securicor merged it all went balls up as Group 4 employees were not well disciplined as Securicor staff. In the end G4S touched a lot of people's lives and they still do. High standards were slowly, but surely brought back within the company as employees from both companies had to get use to each other. I started as a security officer and left the company as a Training and Investigations Manager after many years of service. Up until today I have not found a company that can be compared with G4S.
Best companies to work for in the Security and investigations sector.
G4S South Africa