Global Travel Alliance South Africa

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Global Travel Alliance South Africa
5001-10000 employees

Cape Town,
South Africa

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Global Travel Alliance South Africa (GTASA) is a membership based supplier of discounted travel and accommodation. The company provides their club members the opportunity to visit some of the world's most amazing getaways. GTASA’s membership benefits include; cruises, flights, car hire and an assortment of travel services including visas, transfers, travel insurance and personal guides. They have an exquisite taste and thus provide a wide variety of service ranging from inventories of accommodation with expertise in the vacation industry to providing student groups with educational, outdoor adventure, and service opportunities in locations around the globe. GTASA boasts a membership of 14,000 principle members and in excess of 56,000 family members which benefit from and have access to this unparalleled depth of travel industry knowledge and expertise. GTASA's full service customer support and service teams have the experience and resources to fulfil member’s special requests, creating memories that are etched in time!

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Global Travel Alliance South Africa