Independent Electoral Commission

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Independent Electoral Commission
201-500 employees

South Africa

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The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) is a South African chapter nine institution, the country's independent election management body. It manages elections to the National Assembly, the provincial legislatures and the municipal councils. It was officially formed on 17 October 1996; however a temporary Electoral Commission was created in 1993 to manage the first non-racial election of the national and provincial legislatures, which was held on 26–29 April 1994. The IEC has since managed general (national and provincial) elections in 1999, 2004 and 2009, and local (municipal) elections in 2000, 2006 and 2011. The main duties of the IEC is to compile and maintain a register of parties; undertake and promote research into electoral matters; promote voter education; declare the results of elections for national, provincial and municipal legislative bodies within seven days; and appoint appropriate public administrations in any sphere of government to conduct elections when necessary.

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Independent Electoral Commission