JDG Trading
South Africa
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The JD Group can speak with excessive pride about South Africa’s most well-known retail brand, which includes Barnet, Bradlows, supreme, Electric Express, Hi Fi Corp, Incredible Connection, Joshua Doore, Morkel, Price and Pride, Russells, Penny Pinchers, Timber City and Unitrans Auto. Operating through six business divisions in Southern Africa, which markets through a multi-branded network that represents twelve brands. The group consists of 1143 retail stores and 84 motor dealerships. Each brand has its own niche e.g. brand, identity, store, layout, merchandise, range and market profile. The Groups vision is to be world-class in our fields of expertise”. They value honesty and integrity, diversity, responsible and accountability, urgency and performance driven employees. To lead in this business, you need to be innovative, consistent and eager to learn and develop. There should be and improvement customer, supplier relationships and management skills.
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"Worse company"
Added 23 Feb 2016 by a current employee
Worse company ever..
"My 19 experience at JDG Trading"
Added 27 Sep 2015 by a current employee
Used to be a decent company to work for. Employees were thoroughly trained and recognized for future advancement or development. I picked up a considerable measure of experience from that company. The vast majority of line-managers and HR are yet to be trained on the most proficient method regarding communication with the lower level staff, as they are being oppressed by some prejudiced supervisors. They pay very low salaries and I was unreasonably retrenched as we were compelled to reapply for our employments and selection criteria was held from us. LIFO or execution was never considered when we were retrenched in January 2015.
"retrenchment "
Added 12 Sep 2015 by a current employee
I have never worked for a more horrible company than JDG. Their employees are not happy and their payment of salaries are disastrous. You will never accumulate a lot of money should you work for that company.
Added 16 May 2015 by a current employee
You tell me... Worked for 6 years. I was dismissed. I had no prior offences I came early and left late at work. I respected my superiors. I had a good audit and I had my charges exaggerated. I really thought that's what companies looked for. With short staff and a lot of other things that I had to deal with which the company was aware of I can not recommend that people stay and relax there as you can be fired anytime. At least if a harsh sentence a final warning which would still be unfair but I would have resigned now my chances are slim of getting a job
"poor management strategy and retrenching wrong people"
Added 19 Feb 2015 by a current employee
I have worked in this company for eight and half years, as a general assistant and I decided to go to school, thinking I will a get better position. I was involved in the sales department and admin staff, but the experience I gained and my career was shattered by this company. I was willing to take this company to places but due to the manner that they use to identify or upgrade their employees in, is very poor. It is the matter of who do you know in the company, if you need promotion. Sales are down from the company, because of their sales performance and that is not the sales person's problem. It is the training that they offer. And they don't know who they train, they just waste their money and then it is hard to bring it back. Right now they retrenched the general assistants. If the company could compare the business in early ages to now, it is bad. If you compare sales persons before to sales persons now, there's a huge difference and it is only 2% of sales persons who provide adequate service within the company and unfortunately, due to a lot of changes that runs by management day-to-day, they too become confused. Yes, the economy is bad but, let's look at the manner in which we generate business, is it working or not? I considered general assistants to be a key for generating business in the company,e.g. if a customer need help in his/her home for deliveries, who do they call? General assistants. If something need to be changed in the floor,who must be called? General assistants. If customers need an explanation concerning the product,who do they call? General assistants. I am telling you the truth that the only thing that sales people know is to write down the deal that he did and not work for it. What is this thing of going the extra mile? How can you sell a TV, but you don't know how it work? What are the features,etc? (product knowledge). Just go to the general assistant and you will get all that. My question is, How can you love to make money when you are unwilling to work for it?
"It is home"
Added 08 Jan 2015 by a current employee
Whilst I can appreciate everyone having an individual experience, I am employed at the group now for almost 13 years. Happiness is where you look to find it and as such, the JDGroup is not at all a bad place to work. I enjoy my work and have enjoyed every position I have held previously. It is a truly family orientated company, where senior management does care about its subordinates.
"The Worst Company Ever"
Added 17 Jun 2013 by a current employee
I have never in my life worked for such a horrible company such as JDG. All employees are unhappy there. I recently quit my job at their head quarters. They exploit their employees and undermine them. The talented staff are seen as threats and mistreated so they call 'voluntarily leave' or stay there and be miserable. I once applied for a one day's leave and it got approved. After I took my leave day I was given a verbal warning for it. My colleague was even told to apply for leave a month before she can take it. It is one hell hole that I wouldn't advise anyone to go into. It is falling apart. In the past two months I know of about 20 people that have resigned from the head office. Even the CEO resigned recently and his departure was so sudden and we were all misled about the reasons for his departure. Good luck to those who still work there and are still suffering.
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JDG Trading