Johnathan Andrews Photography

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Johnathan Andrews Photography
26-50 employees

South Africa

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Founded by a multi faceted photographer Johnathan Andrews, Johnathan Andrews Photography (JAP) is a well established photography company. The company specialises in professional photographic services, photographic training as well as retail of photographic equipment. With an energetic approach to innovation and leadership throughout its operations, the company is a leader in its industry. It offers a range of photographic service and these include; photography, videos, model portfolio shoots as well as website developments. Most of the company’s work is done in the Stoneridge Studio. The studio is so versatile and enough to do almost anything! Moreover, JAP has three infinity curves of different sizes, still life tables and a large number of studio flash heads and diffusion. Johnathan Andrews Photography consistently strives for excellence in customer service, quality and value for money. Thus the company always delivers a level of service that exceeds the expectations of customers.

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Johnathan Andrews Photography