Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation (KFC)

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Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation (KFC)
10001-100000 employees

South Africa

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The Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation (KFC) was founded in 1930 in Louisville, Kentucky by Harland Sanders. They are an international fast-food chain with over 18 000 restaurants in more than 110 counties across the world. Their national footprint is strong and South Africa currently has more than 500 food outlets spanning across all nine provinces. They are a division of YUM! Brands Incorporated. They are most famous for their Original Recipe, Extra Crispy, Kentucky Grilled Chicken- still being made today with Harland Sanders’ secret recipe of eleven herbs and spices. Restaurants across the world serve in excess of 300 different types of products including a salmon sandwich in Japan! Their “Original Recipe” for chicken is one of the food industry’s best kept secrets and the recipe is actually kept safe in a vault in Louisville, Kentucky. The company is extremely well off with revenues in excess of $15 billion.

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Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation (KFC)