Kwikspace Modular Buildings
South Africa
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Kwikspace Modular Building, established 1972, is the largest and most diverse manufacturer of factory built accommodation in Africa; it is also the only national manufacturer in South Africa. More than any other, Kwikspace Modular Buildings has been instrumental in upgrading the living and working accommodation standards of the on-site employee; this is true in both semi-permanent situations and where camps are continually on the move. Kwikspace has ushered in a new era of comfort, convenience, cost effectiveness and even, to a large degree, contributed to workforce stability. Having had products delivered by shift, raft, rail, crane and road, Kwikspaec Modular Buildings was able to conquer even the difficult terrain in Lesotho. Kwispace’s value and practical benefits have been employed in offices; ablutions; dining halls; kitchens; training centres; classrooms; holiday cottages; and a host of other applications. Kwikspace Modular Buildings has manufacturing plants in Kliprivier (Johannesburg), Blackheath (Cape Town), Westmead (Durban).
Work for Kwikspace Modular Buildings? Have your say!
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Added 01 Jul 2015 by a current employee
Working at Kwikspace is a bitter sweet situation. The salary is good, the working environment is good and my colleagues are amazing. The only thing that concerns me, is the unstructured way in which the company is managed. It is as if management thumb-suck things as they go on, on a daily basis. I am a very organised person and I like things to prepared and well structured.
Added 16 Mar 2015 by a current employee
Worked for this company as PA to Johann Ackerman and Mr. Cole Slabbert. I have the highest regard for this company. Was treated with respect.
"Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality"
Added 15 Sep 2013 by a current employee
It is unfortunate that the directors in this Metro, lack Professionalism. You are only treated with respect when you are needed otherwise beware. Senior Managers only try to benefit themselves. There is a serious lack of knowledge when it comes to Industrial Relations and Human Resource issues at the rock face.
"Over worked and no job security "
Added 29 Aug 2013 by a current employee
This company is largely, unorganised and unfocused, as the saying goes "too little Indians and too many chiefs" . Once being there, you are warmly welcomed and assured of a safe future with them, when all a of sudden you are booted out without a reason. Thank GOD I'm out of there.
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Kwikspace Modular Buildings