Mathye Incorporated

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Mathye Incorporated
101-200 employees

South Africa

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Mathye Inc, established in October 2010, is a law firm of note. They are committed to developing the goals laid down by the constitution by providing access to justice, to protect the rights of individuals in South Africa. They exercise their responsibility in shaping democracy by playing an active role in promoting corporate responsibility. Their vision aims to promote the foundations of ubuntu, primarily focusing on community safety and security. They provide services in the field of commercial law, consumer law, labour law, criminal law, personal injury law, road accident fund claims, administration of deceased and insolvent estates, pension fund law, family law, constitutional litigation, general civil litigation and legal advisory services. The executive director has broad experience in labour law, commercial law, criminal law and general civil litigation both at the Magistrate and High Court scale. Mathye Inc. strives to provide a professional service to cater to all your legal needs.

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Mathye Incorporated