Murray And Roberts Holdings Limited
South Africa
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Murray and Roberts Holdings Limited is an investment holding company. Founded in 1902, Murray and Roberts Holdings Limited interest is in construction and engineering, underground mining development, oil and gas construction, construction materials and related fabrication sectors. The company operates in Southern Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Australia and North and South America. Murray and Roberts Holdings Limited’s principle offices are in Australia, Botswana, and Canada. The investment holding company does not trade and all of its activities are undertaken through a number of its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates.
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"Murray and Roberts where safety and personal developement is priority."
Added 05 Apr 2016 by a current employee
Internationally recognized company. Offers lot of opportunities if you show potential. Developement of workers is priority. Major partner in addressing skills derth through offering of training opportunities for previously disadvantage communities. Core values of organization allows for employees to freely engaged with management on issues of mutual concerned. As previous employee of Murray and Roberts ,I was afforded the opportunity to assume a leading role in major project that allowed me developement as a leader and a sound understanding of organizational studies of which I continuously pursue and research. If offered a second opportunity to take on a leadership role I'll gladly accept, all to promote the interest of the company.
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Murray And Roberts Holdings Limited