Murray & Roberts
South Africa
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Murray and Roberts are one of South Africa leading engineering, contracting and construction companies, it has created employment and developed skills, delivered infrastructure and practical technology. Offering services in civil, mechanical, electrical, mining and process engineering; general building, construction and infrastructure development services. The company offers worldwide underground mining markets and selected emerging markets in the natural resources and infrastructure sectors, which operates in Southern Africa, Middle East, Southern Asia, Australia, and North &South America. Their head office is situated in Johannesburg and their key offices are in in Australia, Botswana, Canada, Namibia and United Arab Emirates. They value integrity, respect, accountability and commitment, which are the factors that results in the company’s success. Murray and Roberts are constantly on the lookout for people with a vision, who seeks challenges and who are committed to achieving their professional and personal goals. In addition they offer their employees, opportunities to receive training for developmental progression as well as bursaries to study further.
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"Murray & Roberts Excellent s "
Added 27 Sep 2013 by a current employee
Murray Roberts is a company, where I worked for 2 years. I have seen that it's a good company of construction with good quality jobs. It is a company that cares for the safety of workers. Working in Murray & Roberts is a big advantage an opportunity to learn much more about the job an about workers rights.
"Shortage of staff"
Added 11 Sep 2013 by a current employee
The co-workers are very nice and friendly. We work well together in a team. Management under pressure because of shortage of staff.
"Mass Discounters"
Added 21 Jul 2013 by a current employee
This is a great company, but I have to say, growth opportunities are very limited if not impossible. There is too much corruption, The company recruits people from outside who don't have neccesarry qualifications and experiences but the company policy says, recruitment or vacancies should start internally. If I get a job offer else, I am gone. I love my job, but hate the employer and its management.
Added 10 Jun 2013 by a current employee
M&R is a very nice company to work for. You get a very nice salary and the people whom you work with is absolutely fantastic, from lower level management right through to top management. I wish everyday I could get a job with them again.
Best companies to work for in the Construction sector.
Murray & Roberts