Peninsula Beverages
Cape Town,
South Africa
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Peninsula Beverages is known as the ‘home’ of Coca-Cola in the Western and Northern Cape of SA. The company bottles, manufacture and distributes products exclusive to the Coca-Cola Company. The products are available in a variety of sparkling flavour brands and a variety of soft beverage brands. The core focus of the company is to quench the thirsts of communities, inspire moments of optimism and of course, happiness. The company aims to establish an identifiable value and opt in making a difference in the lives of various communities.
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"Hard Work Pays Off"
Added 29 Sep 2015 by a current employee
I have worked at Peninsula Beverages for two years as a driver and it was hard work. I loved every moment of it because it allowed me to see different parts of the country...and I got paid really well for it, which was awesome.
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Peninsula Beverages