Pick n Pay
South Africa
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Pick n Pay, a quintessential family store, operates in the retail sector on the African continent. Raymond Ackerman purchased the first few stores in 1967. Since then the Ackerman family’s vision has grown and expanded to now encompass stores in Botswana, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia. Pick n Pay also own a 49% share in the Zimbabwean supermarket called TM Supermarkets. The Group’s offer to customers focuses on groceries, clothing and general merchandise. However they do include other value-added services to cater for their customer’s expectations and evolving needs. They operate across multiple store formats, both franchised and owned, to ensure a convenient and accessible shopping experience. Pick n Pay also strives to address socio-economical challenges by supplying high-quality, affordable food for all customers, while providing significant employment and economic opportunities across their value chain.
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"Hard Labour"
Added 12 Jun 2015 by a current employee
I've worked at Pick n Pay during every holiday I had. I was a university student at the time. I don't really know what my job title was, but I was packing groceries in plastic bags. I was just a flexi holiday worker, but they made me work from 9am until 7pm on weekends. I was asked to pack shelves too, which I did not sign up for. I worked longer hours than the permanent staff. I will never go back there and I won't recommend anyone to work there either.
"look after your workers"
Added 29 Apr 2015 by a current employee
You need to look at cristain aspects of workers. Not one off the corpret stores want to make the decision to acomodate cristians that dont work on saturdays they just tell you if you are not a muslem you are not allowed aspecially managers. We need to look in to that and butchery personel's sallarys are poor and cant live with that cinda money.you need propar training in helth and custemor sirvice aswel. Dont try and ceep the boss happy but rather ceep your clients and workers happy and the companys wil grow stronger
"the truth"
Added 28 Sep 2013 by a current employee
I work at Pick n Pay almost four months now and suddenly, last Saturday I got called up to the office. The boss wanted to see me. It came as a shock to see they fabricated a theft case against me, but luckily the police saw on the footage that I committed no crime and that the company don't have a case against me, but little did I know they had other plans with me. I got dismissed later that day, as they say "not applying yourself to company policy" and another thing the Boss, brought up her hands against me, smacking me.
"Solid Grounds"
Added 05 Sep 2013 by a current employee
I have been working for Pick n Pay for two months now and you would think that given the size of the company things will be simple and they would have everything in place. My experience here has been wonderful with the different people I've met. Work related, it is very unorganised and there is no system in place, especially in the finance and accounts section of this business. Due to lack of professionalism, Vendors aren't being paid on time, there are duplicates of accounts and no attention to detail. Problem with such large companies is that there are so many contractors and temps that the work is not consistent. Give the people who know what they're doing a chance.
Added 27 Aug 2013 by a current employee
I've worked for Pick n Pay for six years at support office and the benefits wasn't as good, but when I found a new job they wanted to increase my salary, but I've decided to decline their offer.
"pick n pay"
Added 30 Jul 2013 by a current employee
I am working for this company for nine years, but I'm still on temporary basis. If we tried to apply for senior positions, they always stated "full-time employees only" so they don't consider the temporary employee for senior positions. I didn't know in this new South Africa people are still working as temporary for such a long time until I experienced it. I do have hope that one day I will be full-time employee somewhere. Not in the current employer, but I've gained lot of experience from them.
"Pick n Pay graduate programme"
Added 25 Jul 2013 by a current employee
Pick n Pay is an awesome company to work for, they started their first graduate programme on 01 February 2013. I am one of the 18 graduates currently undergoing the programme. It is a great opportunity. The company is teaching all the graduates how the company operates from top to bottom. It's a great working experience. Pick n Pay's reputation speaks for itself. It is a company with great values and work ethic.
"trainee manager"
Added 19 Jul 2013 by a current employee
I worked for Pick n Pay for four and a half years as a trainee manager. It has been an amazing experience, because I have found my passion in doing something that was just a job for me. I was trained to manage the fruit and veg department and I enjoyed every moment of it. I am planning to have a small garden leading to a farm to grow fruits and vegetables and teach people about eating healthy and which herbs boosts your immune system.
Best companies to work for in the Retail sector.
Pick n Pay Page Last Updated 03/03/2025