Remgro Ltd

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Remgro Ltd
101-200 employees

South Africa

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"Remgro, originally established in the 1940s as a tobacco manufacturer, is an investment holding company. Their interests mainly consist of investments in the following industries: 1.Banking and Financial services; 2.Medical services; 3.Food, wine and spirits; 4.Petroleum products; 5.Glass products; 6.Shipping, freight and logistics; 7.Media; 8.Technology. Currently, Remgro’s investment portfolio includes more than 30 investee companies. The company currently has three operating subsidiaries: 1.Rainbow Chicken Limited (Rainbow Chicken), 2.Tsb Sugar Holdings (Pty) (Tsb Sugar), 3.Wispeco Holdings Limited (Wispeco). Remgro is listed on the on the Johannesburg Security Exchange (JSE), with the share code REM. The groups of Remgro are: Air Products South Africa, Britehouse, Business Partners, Caxton, CIV Group, Distell, Dorbyl, FirstRand, Fraxion, fring, Fynbos, GEMS, Grindrod, Invenfin, KTH, Lashou, MARC, Mediclinic, Milestone Capital, PGSI, Premier Team Holdings, Rainbow, RMBH, RMI, Sabido, SEACOM, Total South Africa, TSB Sugar, Unilever South Africa Holdings, Veritas, VisionChina, and Wispeco. Remgro believes that the quality of their staff represents an important sustainable advantage. They attract, select and retain employees of the highest calibre. They always endeavour to appoint the best candidate in a position. The company aims to always reward their employees fairly and competitively, according to their capabilities, skills, responsibilities and performance level."

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Remgro Ltd