Samsung Electronics
South Africa
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Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd is a subsidiary of the Samsung Group and has been operating for more than 40 years. The company is a multinational electronics company and has been the world's largest information technology company by revenues since 2009. Samsung Electronics has since its inception, been at the forefront of innovation, delivering breakthrough products and exceptional value to people around the world. Their product range specialties include; technologies, televisions, smartphones, tablets, Blu-ray Players, home entertainment systems, laptops and netbooks, home appliances, medical devices, Semiconductor, LED and so much more. Samsung has been known as a manufacturer of components to some of the most prestigious brands in the world including Apple, Sony, HTC and Nokia. Through their successes with the Galaxy SIII and the Galaxy Note series, as well the groundbreaking advances in computer memory and green technology; Samsung Electronics continuously strive to push the limits of technology to better peoples’ lives.
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"SSA or Samsung South Africa"
Added 01 Mar 2015 by a current employee
I have been at Samsung for a total of 7 years. In that time I was promoted 3 times and have learnt more there than I could have at any university. Work hard and get rewards, you are paid very well and looked after, but they want their pound of meat, if you know what I mean. I left them for a year for personal reasons. I am now going back to them. It's a very dynamic company to work for. We are given a R900 meal allowance for lunch every month.
Added 12 Oct 2013 by a current employee
I have great skills, education and experience relating to the sales industry. I am currently at Samsung, working as an IT sales and marketing representative. I have achieved a lot and obtained the greatest results ever. I have also been promoted twice since I started working for Samsung due to my experience , skills and educational background.
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Samsung Electronics