Synexus Watermeyer

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Synexus Watermeyer
26-50 employees

South Africa

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Established in South Africa in 2000, Synexus is a professional patient access, recruitment and clinical study organisation. The company is a multinational organisation operating in the UK, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, India as well as South Africa. Synexus recruits patients and conducts trials at its wholly owned investigator sites called Dedicated Research Centres (DRC). The organisation offers a variety of service which includes; feasibility, data collection and proposal, central point for multitude of sites (DRCs and affiliated), collate regulatory packages and submit consolidated packages to sponsor/application to MCC when required, site preparation, patient recruitment (dedicated Access to Patient Department), clinical execution, integrated quality management and much more. They have a full team of dedicated and experienced individuals who are committed to the highest standards of clinical research. Their medical staff is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week, dedicated to serving patients at any time of the day.

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Synexus Watermeyer