South Africa
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VWSA, short for Volkswagen South Africa, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft (VWAG) in Germany. In South Africa, it is the largest German investor and it is a major contributor to foreign direct investment, technology transfer and skills development. Located in Uitenhage, an industrial town about 35 km from Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape, VWSA has led the pack in the key areas of transformation. They set key targets and measure their success, which they say is the reason why they have such a proud record as a responsible corporate citizen. VWSA strongly believes that job creation and and skills development will fuel transformation. Therefore, their first priority is to build a strong successful business which protects and creates jobs within Volkswagen Group South Africa and the broader Volkswagen family of suppliers and franchised Dealers. VWSA, as a multi-national corporation, also has a strong commitment to boost foreign direct investment in South Africa and to promote the transfer of world-class technology, knowledge and skills.
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"people's car: my foot"
Added 26 Jul 2013 by a current employee
I worked for the above mentioned company for 29 years. I saw the inequality in treatment between the colour bands of the people, causing so much friction between the employees that some chose to leave and never look back. Courses were offered and only the people of colour could attend, leaving the rest of us looking blankly and agape at their choice of candidates for the courses. I finally got the boot out of the company when I got INJURED ON DUTY, crushing 3 bones in my back. According to the 'quack' they called a doctor on the premises, the 6 weeks I spent in hospital was not clear evidence that I sustained any injury whatsoever. In the few weeks I spent at work fighting for my job, the roof of my workshop collapsed on to of me, injuring me on the head, back and arms. I was told in a concussed state that I must walk to the medical department. When I arrived for treatment, I was told that they won't look at me because I was too dirty. Eventually one of the managers came past, took one look at me and demanded that the medical staff treat me instantly. When I was eventually seen to, the female doctor gave me two injections. Voltaren and Mybulen, both of which I am highly allergic to, as I am allergic to Asprin too. When I felt that I could not breathe and asked the doctor what she injected me with, I realised she obviously never read my read my file, where it CLEARLY stated my allergies. She told me that I should rather go see my own doctor then as she has no idea how to treat my allergic reation. I had to drive from Uitenhage to Port Elizabeth with my finger in my throat, battling to breath. On arrival at my own doctor, the ambulance rushed me to hospital. On the way, my heart stopped 3 times and eventually I was hospitalised for 6 weeks, pumped full of adrenalin and steroids to counter act the effects of the injections. Eventually I got fired. I cannot get anyone to represent me in a legal battle against this company.
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