Art Editor Job Description

What does an art editor do?

An art editor can work in different industries. They can work for a newspaper or magazine company where they will be in charge of the final draft of the materials that should be included in the next publication. They can also work in music, books or any form of art where they will be in charge of putting things together so that they can be comprehensive and could be appreciated by the audience or reader.

Typical work activities of an art editor?

Art editors often work with editors-in-chief or production managers who wanted a specific look for their projects. An art editor will try to implement their vision by properly editing the materials they received. When they work with production managers or producers, they are in charge of putting the materials together by coordinating with the artists themselves and other people involved in the project.

Training and education requirements?

There is no specific degree required for those interested in becoming art editors. However, they would be required to a degree related to art or literature if they want to be art editors specific to magazines, books or related medium.

The determining factor for the success of art editors is mainly based on their experience. Art editors will be often be asked to come in with their portfolios where they can show their efficiency or at least they have the same vision with the editor-in-chief or project manager.

Where can I work as an art editor?

An art editor usually works with companies related to printed media. They would often work with different newspaper and magazine companies. Because of the development of online magazines, they can also work with websites if they show competency in designing websites to complement their editorial skills.

Can I work for myself in this job?

Freelance work is very common for art editors. They can work with different newspapers, magazines and other companies interested in printing materials at the same time. They can also work as consultants for the same companies who wanted to make sure they come out with quality materials for their readers.

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