Freelancers in South Africa

R 852 043 500 in Freelance jobs offered

R 852 043 500


133 593


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find a freelancer?

If you’re searching for a freelancer, you can select the industry or skills that you require from the categories on the home page. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can use the search function at the top right of the home page. You’ll then be redirected to a page filled with capable freelancers that’ll be able to take on your specific project.

How do I become a freelancer?

If you want to become a part of the freelancing community, then you can simply click the ‘Register’ button on the home page. Then all you have to do is fill in your information, create your profile and upload previous examples of your work. You’ll then be one step closer to becoming your own boss.

I have forgotten my password, or, I am having trouble logging in.

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can simply click the ‘Forgotten Password’ link on the login page and a recovery email will be sent to you so you can reset it.

How do I become a part of the Top 10?

The Top 10 freelancers are a group of the best freelancers JOBVINE Global has on offer. They got to the top by creating amazing work, and by being endorsed. Every freelancer’s profile page has an endorse button below their profile picture, and as long as you have that freelancers email address, you’ll be able to endorse them for the excellent work they’ve been doing.

How does the JOBVINE Freelance app work?

The JOBVINE Freelance app is a sleek and simple way for freelancers and employers to stay in contact. It enables you to continuously find work, as well as various talented individuals, while on the move.

What is the point of My Testimonials?

Every freelancer can have a testimonial written about them. This is a way for companies and other employers to review a freelancer on their work ethic, ability to meet deadlines and the general quality of their work. The more positive testimonials a freelancer has, the better.