I am a world traveled 31 year old looking for that perfect place to fit in. As someone that traveled abroad, I got to see and live a different way to life. This made me view things and people from a different point of view giving me a unique perspective on life and various situations. My many years of gaming also gave me the ability to make quick and reliable decisions. My experiences range from Cleaning dishes to managing a whole restaurant, selling energy door to door and insurance over the phone, buying and selling properties and even Customer relations and security at a Holiday resort. I am open minded, humble and always willing to learn new skills. I am quick on the uptake and don't need supervision to complete my tasks, quickly and effortlessly. I am completely computer literate and will quickly take to any new programs that I might need to use. Also have personal skills in fixing problems on any computer, and should I get stuck, there is always Google. Give me a chance to a face to face meeting and I'll be sure to give you the right impression.