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Anthony D.

Project Manager

  • Hourly rate: R600 /hr
  • Experience: 29 Years

About Anthony

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Dedicated and accomplished IT Project Manager / Business Analyst with over three decades of expertise driving successful project outcomes within the Telecommunications, Banking, Insurance, and pharmaceutical sectors. With a proven track record of delivering complex projects on time and within budget, I bring extensive experience in leading cross-functional teams, implementing innovative solutions, and ensuring alignment with strategic business objectives. My comprehensive understanding of industry-specific challenges, coupled with a commitment to excellence, positions me as a valuable asset poised to navigate dynamic environments and deliver impactful results. I am a self-starter who is goal-driven, dynamic, and passionate with a high level of integrity in my dealings with people and business. I am an excellent communicator and networker with well-developed interpersonal skills. Passionate about leveraging technology to drive business transformation, I am eager to contribute my wealth of experience and leadership skills to empower teams and drive success in your organization.

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