I completed my Information Technology diploma at the University of South Africa (Unisa) where I was studying part time. As a way of paying for my school fees at Unisa, I also did some freelancing development jobs like creating a website for a small decoration company to better market their service. This taught me how to deal with clients, how to create a project from start to finish while adhering to the deadline. I have 18 months of experience coding with C#. In those 18 months, I worked for two companies, Sovereign Foods and Younglings Africa, where I was exposed to many different projects and programming technologies/frameworks. These technologies included Bootstrap framework, http://www.******.*** MVC, JQuery. My time with both Younglings and Sovereign Foods have helped to shape me to be the developer that I am today. Right now I am looking for a place to grow and apply my soft skills at an innovative software company. I am also looking for a company where I can develop myself long-term.