More about myself and my experience: I am a very organised and accurate person that thrives on organising. I have about 30 years' administration and financial experience of which a good deal was in managerial capacities and in the wine industry. Some of my other qualities are staff management, leading, taking initiative, planning ahead and, implementing and maintaining systems. I had the opportunity of working at a family owned wine farm with a small staff compliment which allowed me to get involved in the organization of events as well as the operational management of the farm. This opportunity gave me the chance to learn that I loved organising events. Events ranged from wine festivals to concerts to marketing events and many more. I am a logical thinking individual who weighs up all related information and possible outcomes when making decisions and taking action – both in a professional and personal context. I enjoy being involved in operational elements of companies and enjoy developing fellow staff members. I value what I refer to as “old school” values in work environments: this encompasses simple factors such as punctuality, dedication and meeting deadlines but further stretches to aspects such as respect and professional conduct as well.