I started off as a Cashier which was ny firstt ever job. I then got promoted as a stockcontroller,which I had to merchandise stock,order stock ,change price labels etc. After that position,I was moved to work in the cellular department as a Cellular consultant where I was able to deal with making sales for prepaid devices,contract devices ,rica and had to do abit of admin http://www.******.*** three positions were when I worked at Game Store. I then was able to get a job at Incredible Connection as a Vodacom Consultant doing the same duties as the cellular consultant at Game. I worked my way up to a Warranty Controller/Administrator Ny duties were,filling paperwork,receiving non-warranty and warranty repair devices from customers to book in on our system(CRM),I had to phone suppliers and customer,order repair accessories for customers. While working as a warranty controller/Administrator ,I volunteered to train in different departments such as Admin supervisor and stockroom. As a admin supervisor /stockcontroller trainee ii was able to learn how to do cashups,spreadsheets,capture workers timesheet,print and file reports,receive stock and book in stock,label stock,send out stock to different branches(IBT),order stock etc. I then was promoted as a sales consultant where I has to make daily,weekly and monthly targets,have product knowledge and good customer service. I worked for Incredible Connection for 5years and learned most of my skills and experience there.