Full-stack Typescript developer who seeks discomfort. I offer the following services : - Feature integration for your existing app - Web app development from scratch (POC, MVP, SAAS ...) - Consulting 📝 Technical background : ⚬ Front-end : React, Redux, Vue (2&3), Vuex, Quasar framework, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Tailwindcss, MaterialUI, Vuetify ⚬ Back-end : Node, Nest, Passport, Sequelize, TypeORM, Mongoose ⚬ Database : SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB, MongoDB ⚬ Architecture : Hexagonal/Clean architecture, Microservices ⚬ Data fetching: REST, GraphQL ⚬ Workflow: Typescript, Git, Github Actions, Gitlab CI/CD, AWS, PM2, Docker, Scrum ⚬ Testing (TDD friendly) : Jest, Mocha + Chai, Cypress ⚬ CMS : Wordpress ⚬ Full Professional English 🔥 Feel free to contact me!