Gail’s background in information systems, coupled with her ability to communicate ideas clearly in writing, bring a rare mix to an organisation. Her understanding of the development sector and its particular challenges enable her to make a valuable contribution, at an executive level, to organisational management. Gail’s particular strength is in “getting it done”. She is a skilled organiser, having managed projects of various sizes, from conception to completion. She attributes this to her appreciation for informed situation analysis, followed by realistic objective-setting, and the drafting of clear, implementable, but flexible, plans. She emphasises the importance of reflection on project progress at regular intervals, as well as timeous reporting. In early 2019, Gail took the opportunity to study full-time at Rhodes University. She expects to complete her Masters’ thesis in Sociology on social movements by the end of the year. Gail will be looking for new ways in which to use her skills and experience from January 2020 onward.