Ida Wilson specialist scientific international consultant in plant production and plant health. Her expertise stems from 25 years of experience in industry related agricultural research, done in laboratories, greenhouses, open fields, orchards, packinghouses and in the supply chain. Ida is a problem-solver and innovator. She sees herself as a trail blazer for introducing new technologies to plant production industries. She has delivered over 120 talks, authored 200 works, and given 60 radio interviews on industry related plant science. Plant production plays a vital role in the well-being of society and brings economic upliftment. Her passion for her work stems from the potential for it to create jobs, secure food and strengthen economies. Crops of interest are apples, pears, citrus, plums, nectarines, peaches, grapes, blueberries, wheat, barley, oats, tomatoes, cowpeas and fodder crops. Ida’s holistic approach ensures practical and sustainable solutions to plant production industries.