Through 2 decades experience in Retail I've developed the ability to Manage up to 47 staff members. Recruit, employ, train and either to find them competent or provide further training and feedback. I'm an individual whom is reliable, trustworthy, compliant, assertive, punctual and honest. Under extreme pressure I'm calm and collected. I perform the best under stress. Priority nr. 1 is Customer Satisfaction. I treat Customers as valuable as gold, therefor the staff whom worked with me knew that they should too. I've learned to ensure too comply to Companies rules and regulations and if not done accordingly take action such as: If it's a minor offense discussion or councelling or verbal warning, always keep n paper trail. For more serious offences in not following policies and procedures warnings or disciplinary action. My door was always open for anyone's attention or needs, therefor I gained respect from my colleagues for they could approach me with queries, questions or issues from their side. I enjoy to succeed and go beyond what is expected from me.