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Justin M.

Administration Clerk

  • Hourly rate: R60 /hr
  • Experience: 5 Years

About Justin Jason

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Thank you for the opportunity. I am self motivated and accountable. I appreciate any opportunity given, at a chance to improve or broaden my knowledge and skill within the work environment. I always, fully apply myself when faced with new task. I have a desire to understand and positively contribute to a Process. I seek opportunity where growth is not necessarily tamely limited, instead where there's opportunity for those who continually progress as individuals and professionals. My morals, lead me to pratice an unassuming character. I am aware, that my level of tolerence does not particularly make me the loudest voice in the crowd. I may also have a tamed assertive, action approach. However, i do not allow my environment to influence my work output. I am results driven and strive to continually improve.

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