I was employed within the Value Logistics group for over 9 years. I was, in my capacity, responsible for Loss Control and Health and Safety which includes operational risk assessments, investigations and implementation of new systems & procedures to minimise risk at all times. I have been actively involved in the direct supervision, operations management, transportation & fleet control within the Eastern Cape and George region. My involvement in these aspects of the business have assisted the EC Value region in minimising risk considerably and effectively resolve certain operational issues. On a personal note I find myself to be firm with very strong leadership skills. I am reliable, trustworthy and ambitious, using opportunities given wisely to benefit my personal growth. I am punctual and understand that logistics is a high demanding industry, and prepared to make the personal sacrifice to succeed. I have the ability to work under tremendous pressure without supervision, not only when the situation demands it but as a general rule. I am willing to undergo the necessary training required by you to meet the demands set to your standards and also assess and implement the necessary changes, if any, to create a mutually successful relationship.