I currently utilise advanced skills in data capturing, composing, editing, profiling and analysing variety of information material for reporting on projects, meetings and interventions. I therefore possess excellent writing and oral language English skills. I have experience in interpreting and analysing public policy and public administration issues. I have an understanding of the Constitutional framework, the law making process and role and responsibilities of the legislature and its committees. I have the ability to accurately and concisely record all key decisions taken during a meeting and produce accurate minutes of proceedings. I acquired computer literacy, experience in internet research capability and knowledge and understanding of conventions and protocols. I am assertive, goals orientated and have a proactive approach. I have the ability to work within a team and co-operate with others. I am used to working under pressure, paying attention to detail, for long irregular hours and am preparedness to travel. I have excellent client services orientation, strong interpersonal skills and strong organisational, planning and administrative skills. My career history has been formed by a huge exposure in the police, education and human rights sectors.