As an adept Service Manager with extensive experience across various sectors, I excel in the strategic planning and implementa on of service systems, ensuring adherence to protocols and regula ons. My proficiency lies in cost management, seamlessly integra ng technology, and upholding high-quality standards in both local and remote opera ons. I possess a strong ap tude for nego a on, adeptly facilita ng favorable agreements and maintaining robust contracts and rela onships with suppliers. My communica on skills are instrumental in vendor nego a ons, ensuring advantageous partnerships. I am par cularly skilled in monitoring opera onal processes, cra ing insigh ul reports that empower stakeholders to make informed decisions. My exper se extends to the efficient handling of returns and service management, contribu ng to a streamlined opera onal framework. My me culous a en on to detail and commitment to opera onal excellence play a pivotal role in driving success within the dynamic markets of Africa and the Middle East.