I am writing to apply for the HR/Talent Development position. I am an HR Generalist and have more than 8 year experience in Training and Development and also hold an Honours within Industrial Psychology and I am a registered Psychometrist (Independent Practice) – HPCS and a registered SDF. In my current position I am responsible for conducting in-depth feedback sessions to candidates assessed, processing Psychometrics results and findings, implementing new intervention process with regards to Staff Development, recruitment, career progression, multi-skilling, job rotation, succession planning, staff motivation, attract and retain skills and scarce skills, identifying gap analysis and Human Capital. I am an extrovert and outspoken individual and base my decisions on known facts. I am very structured and organized and have clear performance expectations. I focus on achieving practical results and keep the bottom line in sight. I enjoy implementing new ideas and involve all parties at play and consider effects of decisions on others within an organisation. I enjoy working with people and have a tendency to get buy in from stakeholders. I also strive to keep harmony of the team and to achieve desired results within the deadlines provided. I use the values of the organisation to evaluate options and align my strategies with the organisations mission and vision. I value motivating my peers and building trustworthy relationships within an organisation. I obtain fulfilment by helping individuals grow in the organisation to reach their full potential. I would enjoy having this opportunity to share my knowledge and skills and dedication to the organization. Thank you so much for your time.