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Sinovuyo M.


  • Hourly rate: R60 /hr
  • Experience: 1 Years

About Sinovuyo

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My name is Sinovuyo Magwebu, I am a Crop, Horticulture and Plant Pathology Honours graduate who is eager to learn more and create an impact in the agriculture industry world. I am passionate about Plant pathology with a special interest in post-harvest, fruit quality and production. I am familiar with both field and laboratory work. I am an inspiring researcher so far, I have worked with potatoes were I evaluated "The effect of Paclobutrazol and spacing in yield, growth and quality of potatoes" which was part of my BSc work project. In my BSc Honours work, I assessed the "Efficacy of Bacilllus amyloliquefaciens clyclolipopeptide metabolite against blue mould of pomegranate". In addition, I have been exposed to an extensive range of courses that made me to have solid background in crop and horticulture. I have worked as a Lab Assistant for one year at Department of Horticulture (University of Fort Hare) and as Plant Pathology tutor at Stellenbosch University. I put my all in any given task because I believe hard work and dedication are the keys to achieve any goal. I would like to apply for the position that is available in your organization. I strongly believe that I would be of great assistance to your organization as I am a capable young and energetic person with unlimited knowledge always willing to learn, relevant and favourable qualities to perform the job competently and effectively.

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