I have been in the field of Organizational Development & Design and HR Strategy over a period 20 years and have had direct exposure in designing and implementing processes improving performance and culture across diverse client environments. Over the years, my knowledge and skills have evolved through operational, tactical, and strategic focus/exposure. I have had the privileged of working in the private, public and parastatal environments and have been able to harness and consolidate technologies, processes, cultures, and systems to be able to elevate and deploy relevant (fit for purpose) solutions as I engage with various and diverse client eco-system. Through the years my experience involved focus on how to build high performance organisations, the main focus being improving the ability of organisations to realise or harness the benefits of organisational strategies that have been defined. The following highlights practical skills and capabilities gained and deployed in engagement with various clients; 1. Organisation Development and Design • Understanding of the principles and theories underpinning organization design and development • Competence in using OD assessment tools and diagnostics inclusive of tests of good organization design to scope and assess organization design options • Competency in high level strategic stakeholder engagement • Competence in translating strategy into capabilities, organization design criteria and requirements • Competence in developing job descriptions, position charters and competency profiles 2. Change Management and Culture Shaping • Understanding of the principles, processes, underpinning theory and application of change management and enablement • Ability to use change tools to assess change readiness, perceptions regarding change and attitudes towards change • Ability to draft change communications. • Ability to utilize change diagnostic tools inclusive of structured interviews. • Ability to conduct stakeholder mapping and assess stakeholder needs, interests, and aspirations • Ability to use resistance to change assessments and tools • Ability to use large scale change engagement processes, technologies, and tools such as Appreciative Inquiry, real Time Strategic Change, Preferred Futuring, Open Space • Ability to draft change enablement plans and to implement as required • Ability to assess and evaluate change impact both in terms of internal and external environment. • Development of project management framework for various projects • Define processes inclusive of templates, governance, and execution framework • Development of project charter • Define and implement staff establishment norm for the project 3. Human Resource Management (inclusive of Talent Management processes) • Understanding and knowledge of Human Resource Management theory, strategy, and practice • Ability to conduct interviews and competence assessments • Ability to draft job descriptions and position charters • Ability to draft organization designs and workforce plans • Ability to assess and draft employment contracts • Understanding and knowledge of redundancy processes • Ability to assess and advise on job evaluation processes • Ability to implement talent management systems and processes – performance management, career development, succession planning etc. 4. HR Strategy • Facilitation of strategy workshops • Strategy research • Engagement with high level stakeholders regarding strategic issues • Drafting of strategy documents inclusive of 5-year plans and Annual Performance Plans