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Tlou M.

  • Hourly rate: R120 /hr
  • Experience: 2 Years

About Tlou Nathaniel

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I'm Nathaniel Tlou Moja, recently earned by BSc Mathematics and MSc in chemistry (polymer science and nanotechnology) cum Laud. As a graduate in chemistry, I’ve had enough training on handling equipment and chemicals. Similarly, I had also the exposure as I’ve completed MSc. in Chemistry. Have good listening, interpersonal, analytical, problem solving, report writing, conflict solving, and event organizing and analytical skills. Highly dedicated, focused, active, hardworking and organized. I am eager to learn more, excel and very much flexible to work under any circumstance or environment. Learning something new and perfecting it is my specialty. Constantly met very tight deadlines and deliverance is my sole purpose. Able to work individually or as a team i.e. played roles of both a team leader and team player. Have an ability to balance work, school and social

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