The nature of my degree and community service year has prepared me for my career path. Being an audiologist requires a great deal of evidence-based practice. In addition, working in a regional hospital in the Amajuba district in Kwa-Zulu Natal where both in and out patients are seen has shaped me as an audiologist. I have learnt to adapt to my environment and overcome language and resource barriers to avoid compromising on my patient-centred care. Working in a multi-disciplinary team has educated me on the value of other professions and when the need arises for a consultation with other professionals. I am a master’s student at the University of Cape Town. My research aims to involve patients with Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. Working full-time and being a master’s student has taught me the importance of time management and the ability to work under-pressure whilst not compromising on my work ethic. I am passionate about research and life-long learning as it helps to develop our relatively new profession.