I have excellent communication skills, as well as strong listening skills. I learned the ability to appreciate other people's points of view. I am able to handle difficult situations sensitively, and gain the trust and respect of both parties, being the employer as well as the employees. I have encountered challenging situations, and learned that I must be patient and able to stay calm under pressure. I know the importance to remain fair and objective when dealing with disputes, although I also am firm if someone's demands are seen as unreasonable. I have strong negotiating and mediating skills which are essential. I am tactful and diplomatic, and approachable. I am capable of leading discussions, and focusing on the key elements of a problem. I have respect for confidentiality, as I will be dealing with sensitive and confidential issues. Working in a Construction environment has taught me how to work with different races of people and getting to know the employees and their cultures and backgrounds has made it easier to deal with certain issues. And gave me a better understanding of the different cultures and how certain cultures do certain things. I am a people’s person and enjoy meeting new people, learning from them. I am a very reliable, honest and hard working person. I enjoy taking on new challenges. And by assisting where ever possible does not only benefit the company but also myself, as I see it as a learning curve when you assist with other duties that needs to be done.